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Addington Way Luton Bedfordshire LU4 9QQ Sales 08443 753 444 Spares: 08443 753 434 Technical: 08443 753 440
Electrolux catering Equipment
MODELS: 371002730533Air O SteamAOS061EBK2AOS201ECA2AOS202DITOMIX.5E7ECEH4R00E7INED200PE7INEDW00PECFE101-0ECOE202T2A1EFC/E102/1EOUUAEBONCAEUCAIWSGF3FCGSG580HSG1PHIC4 4832 FLFIM3316 Type 2LagoonMFR/G2D14N2675G217NHT8GOL2583RCDR3M30RE471FFGRE471FRGRTF/G2Skyline ProT5350TD6-30Therma LineTR260W4130HWH6-11WH6-20LACWH6-27LACWH6-6ZFS/G800
This counter top mixer by Ditto is ideal for use within small cafés and bakeries. It has 10 speed settings thanks to the powerful 500w motor which drives tools from 84 to 500 rpm ensuring you can create a wide range of products for your customers. The mixer comes with one whisk and removable safety screen which activates the rising and lowering of the bowl.

£395 +VAT

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