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Catering equipment for sale

Sold Hobart Bonnet Equator 10 Grid Electric Combi (Combination) Oven - Kent


Hobart Bonnet Equator 10 Grid Electric Combi Oven

- An Injection Oven Simple & Reliable.

SIMPLE TO USE: An electro mechanical control panel incorporating all the essential functions.

RELIABILITY: An oven designed from the very start to reduce wear & improve its long term strength & reliability.

UNIFORM & CONSISTENT: An injection oven equipped with CoreControl & AirControl technologies to guarantee the expected results. The exclusive aircontrol function guarantees consistent & even browning of your dishes. The corecontrol is one of the exclusive features of the Equator Oven that allows such accuracy of temperature.

ECONOMICAL & ECOLOGICAL: Introduced into a global market that respects the environment, Equator was designed to consume less water & energy for effective & reassuring cleaning.

• Ready to use fast.
• Easier to read electro mechanical control panel.
• Manual input selection.
• Cooking settings visible at a glance - Cooking mode, internal temperature, remaining time, core temperature, vent open/closed or ventilation speed, production of steam by injection, a well proven technology.
• Optional removable core probe means it is protected from damage.
• Resistance to mechanical tests. 211,000 door openings corresponding to 13 YEARS use without a breakage.
• Automatically displays the number of hours until a service is due when switched on.
• Precision assembly & long term reliability ensured by laser cutting & welding.
• Ventilated technical compartment regulated temperature.
• Maintenance facilitated by the system of injection - No boiler to descale!
• Fully automatic cleaning programme - Oven cavity temperature setting & integral rinse.
• Cleaning programmes - Select the automatic cleaning programme of your choice.
6 cooking modes are available:
• Low temperature steam - (30°C to 97°C).
• Saturated steam - (98°C).
• High temperature steam - (99°C to 105°C).
• Convection - (0°C to 250°C).
• Combination - (30°C to 250°C).
• Regeneration.

1 HOLDING TEMPERATURE MODE: Oven semi static to avoid the product drying out.

1 COOLING MODE: Drop from 220°C to 80°C in less than 5 minutes with the door closed.

Number Of Levels: 10L 1/1.

Space Between Levels: 67mm.

Maximum Clearance Door Open: 1482mm.

Oven Height On Bonnet Stand: 1765mm.

Net Weight: 125kg.

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Delivery notes

The Packhouse,
Broadwater Farm
Broadwater Road
West Malling
ME19 6HT
United Kingdom

This item is now sold

Price: Sold
Brand: Bonnet (13)
Model: Equator 10 (3)
